Lola Adeokun

Lola Adeokun
Architect and Researcher with Colman Architects
Dr Cynthia Adeokun is a registered architect based in the United Kingdom, with many years of professional and academic experience in the construction industry in the United Kingdom, Kenya and Nigeria. She obtained her doctorate degree in Architecture at the University College, London, United Kingdom in 2007 whilst also pursuing a full-time professional career.
After many years of working in the private sector in London on sports and retail architectural projects, she took up an academic position as a senior lecturer at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, where she taught at undergraduate and post-graduate levels for over three years. Her research interests include housing needs, domestic space morphology and lifestyles in African towns and cities.
She has published several peer-reviewed conference and journal papers on housing, domestic space morphology and architectural education, and has also served as a member of scientific review committees at international built environment academic conferences and was recently appointed as an external examiner at the School of Construction Management, University of Wittswatersrand, South Africa.
She is passionate about good education being essential in transforming the social and built environment especially in developing countries, and is keen to support charities that focus on children’s welfare, hence the decision to be involved with the Khan Foundation.
She is currently in full time professional practice in London and continues to explore how academic research and educational practices can help improve housing production and affordability in Sub-Saharan African cities.